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Author: Anannya Dasgupta
Pages: 68
Year of Publication: 2015
Price: Rs 150
978-93-5045-112-0 (9789350451120)

About the Author:
Anannya Dasgupta was born in Patna in 1974 and grew up in army cantonments in different parts of India, before her family permanently shifted to Delhi. This is where she finished her schooling and most of her postgraduate education; she graduated from St Stephen’s College and completed her postgraduation in the Faculty of Arts, Delhi University. She went on to do her Ph.D. in early modern English drama at Rutgers University in the United States. At present, she lives in Greater Noida and teaches in the Department of English at Shiv Nadar University, Uttar Pradesh. Apart from writing poetry, she is an art photographer and has had exhibitions within and outside of India.


Comedy Club

Last night, for the price of twelve
dollars and two drinks, we laughed
at the human condition. Crammed

into tiny chairs, packed back to back
with barely room for elbows as only
ever New York City gets away with

seated paying customers, we listened.
We could have been tentacles on a
giant sleeping sea animal. Anemones

sealed to a coral bed, swaying in the
wriggle room that life leaves us, when
we are untying and tying ourselves

to people, to places, to things with a
shocking regularity of forgetfulness
about how it works to be human. We

knew, of course, that the joke was on
us for laughing. But comic after comic.
for the price of twelve dollars and two

drinks, reminded us that the joke was
really on us – for living.

51 poems

Between Sure Places


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