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Eros ~ Ruminations on Love in Prose and Verse

Author: Asad Latif


About the Author
Asad-ul Iqbal Latif is an editorial writer for The Straits Times, Singapore. He was born in Calcutta in 1957 and studied at Calcutta Boys’ School. He graduated with Honours in English from Presidency College, Calcutta, and read History for his Master of Letters degree at Clare Hall, Cambridge, where he was a Chevening Scholar. He also was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Harvard University. Earlier with The Statesman in Calcutta, Asiaweek in Hong Kong and The Business Times in Singapore, he was a Jefferson Fellow at the East-West Center in Honolulu. He is the author of several books, including Celebrating Europe: An Asian Journey (2012) and India in the Making of Singapore (2008).



These Lines

When you forget these lines
the days won’t go on strike,
music refuse to play
or lovers escape
lunar coquetry.

All’ll be
Even I’ll stay true
to your seasons in me.
Summer will steal
from spring
enough to feed
autumn’s steps
to winter’s cemetery.

when you forget,
you’ll banish these lines
from me.

Life’s a lovers’ tiff
sans love.
You’ll look away
as my hearse passes
roads you’ve lost
to an absent universe.


Eros / 9
Agape / 14
Lila / 18
Ishq / 21
Yin and Yang / 23
Beauty / 24
Polis / 29
Thanatos / 34
Notes / 39


Address / 45
Kolkata / 47
Presidency College / 48
Greece / 51
Odysseus / 55
China / 56
Historian / 57
Grenade / 58
Plato / 59
These Lines / 60
Eros And Dust / 61

Eros ~ Ruminations on Love in Prose and Verse

  • Pages: 66
    Year of Publication: 2022
    ISBN: 978-81-958199-6-6 (9788195819966)

















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