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Author: Sunitha Srinivas C
Pages: 52
Year of Publication: 2012
Price: Rs 150
978-93-5045-037-6 (9789350450376)


About the Author:
Sunitha Srinivas C is an Assistant Professor of English in a government college in Kerala. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Calicut, Kerala. Her areas of specialization are Indian English fiction, media studies, translation and gender studies. Her articles and poems have been published in reputed journals.


The Schoolgirl

Swollen eyes lazy legs
In pinafores and ponytails
Creeping into the vehicle
Reluctant hesitant
Whimpering howling huddling
Sorrow-stricken faces
An echo of tiny voices in crescendo
Silenced set in order
Satchels strung together
like faces at a window
Tossed hither, thither
wind brushing the faces
smiles appearing disappearing
little eyes everywhere
songs, merriment
candy in bottles
mangoes in brine
toys and balloons
nodding and smiling
a jolt and a stop
At the school gate
led inside the four walls
gates closed
at the outer world
to be disciplined
groomed churned
until the world opens
wide-armed to receive
its young.

39 poems



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