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Author:  Meera Chakravorty
Pages: 44
Year of Publication: 2023
Price: Rs 200/ € 7
978-81-968192-4-8 (9788196819248)


About the Author

Meera Chakravorty is a research faculty member in the Department of Cultural Studies, Jain University, Bengaluru, India. She has translated into Kannada Bengali novels that won Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters) awards, like Manoj Basu’s Nishikutumba and Amiyabhushan Majumdar’s Rajnagar, as well as a collection of Jibanananda Das’s poetry and Saonli Mitra’s play Nathavati Anathavat. She translated into Bengali a
collection of Kannada Vachanas by medieval poet visionaries challenging stereotypes, and the renowned Kannada author Devnoor Mahadev. Essays in Philosophy and Culture, Consciousness, Time and Praxis, and Colours of Mind, along with edited volumes and poetry collections in both English and Bengali, are some of her other publications. Her domains of interest are philosophy, social justice, women’s studies and cultural studies. Her philosophical research on “Enquiry into Time” was awarded by the John Templeton Foundation, USA. She was a member of the Karnataka State Women’s Commission. Her involvement in women’s struggles over the years has been recorded in many journals.

Murmures du vent qui emprunte is a book of Meera’s English poetry published into French by Moussa Traoré.




Automne resplendissant
ceint au sein de la vallée
le parfum que nul ne peut arrêter
envoie toute son essence au sage
Dans un silence profond
se trouve le refrain des ketakis
refrain qui ne lui pavient pas
sourd demeure -t-il aux chansons de cukkus.
Elle observe…
regard fixe et discret
sa frèle passion
ne peut point être rejetée
elle ne sera jamais une existence sans but
Son arc-en-ciel
vient du soleil qui reste indifférent
elle s’épanouit
ne laissant aucun calme traverser son chemin
avec son printemps original
elle contrôle le remue-ménage dans la brousse….
Le sage s’éffondre
frappé par l’éclaire dans le ciel d’automne.



30 poems

Murmures du vent qui emprunte


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