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Raindrops on the Periwinkle

Author: Nishi Pulugurtha


About the Author
Nishi Pulugurtha is an academic and writer based in Kolkata. Her publications include a monograph, Derozio (2010), a collection of essays on travel, Out in the Open (2019), an edited volume of essays on travel, Across and Beyond (2020), a volume of poems, The Real and the Unreal and Other Poems (2020), a collection of short stories, The Window Sill (2021), and a co-edited volume of poems, Voices and Vision: The First IPPL Anthology (2021). She is working on a book project that brings together recipes from the Telugu kitchen in Kolkata with tales of growing up in Calcutta/Kolkata. She also writes on Alzheimer’s disease. Her edited volume of critical essays titled Literary Representation of Pandemics, Epidemics and Pestilence is forthcoming from Routledge.

About the Book
In her preface to the book, Dr Pulugurtha writes:

“It is the trying times that the pandemic brought about, the experiences of strange times that are still so much a part of life, of learning to deal with things in such times with all their restrictions that made me work at writing more form poems. The little bit of nature around me that I could see in my locked-in state, during my evening walks on the terrace with the blue sky above, the myriad cloud shapes, the birds headed home, gathering for a while and dispersing, the kites in the sky, the few other people on other terraces around, the trees and plants in my small green space that brought in so much colour and delight in difficult times, and Amma who has Alzheimer’s disease, became the subject matter of my form poems as well.”

A review of the book can be read in Cafe Dissensus.



shrieking, shouting — home
frightening scary walls close
to breathe to live — Home

Raindrops on the Periwinkle

  • Pages: 72
    Year of Publication: 2022
    ISBN: 978-81-956648-4-9 (9788195664849)

    Contents: 60 form poems









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